Lumpektomia jest powszechnie zalecana w przypadku wczesnego stadium raka piersi. Takie podejście może być atrakcyjne dla kobiet walczących z rakiem piersi, ponieważ daje możliwość zminimalizowania operacji i zachowania chorej piersi. Aby lumpektomia była skuteczna, wymaga serii zabiegów radioterapii po zabiegu.
Wyniki zabiegu lumpektomii naprawczej: 1 z 4 Before and After correction lumpectomy deformity right breast with Stacked DIEP breast reconstruction
Lumpectomy Repair Results: 1 z 4 Before and After correction lumpectomy deformity right breast with Stacked DIEP breast reconstruction
Lumpectomy Repair Results: 1 z 4 Before and After correction lumpectomy deformity right breast with Stacked DIEP breast reconstruction
Lumpectomy Repair Results: 2 of 4 Before and After Corrective breast reconstruction with DIEP procedure for lumpectomy deformity
Lumpectomy Repair Results: 2 of 4 Before and After Corrective breast reconstruction with DIEP procedure for lumpectomy deformity
Lumpectomy Repair Results: 2 of 4 Before and After Corrective breast reconstruction with DIEP procedure for lumpectomy deformity
Lumpectomy Repair Results: 3 of 4 Before and After correction lumpectomy deformity with SGAP breast reconstruction
Lumpectomy Repair Results: 3 of 4 Before and After correction lumpectomy deformity with SGAP breast reconstruction
Lumpectomy Repair Results: 3 of 4 Before and After correction lumpectomy deformity with SGAP breast reconstruction
Lumpectomy Repair Results: 3 of 4 Before and After correction lumpectomy deformity with SGAP breast reconstruction
Lumpectomy Repair Results: 3 of 4 Before and After correction lumpectomy deformity with SGAP breast reconstruction
Lumpectomy Repair Results: 4 of 4 Before and After correction lumpectomy deformity with DIEP breast reconstruction
Lumpectomy Repair Results: 4 of 4 Before and After correction lumpectomy deformity with DIEP breast reconstruction
Lumpectomy Repair Results: 4 z 4 Przed i po korekcji deformacji po lumpektomii z rekonstrukcją piersi DIEP